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Volunteers are the foundation of a successful event. Off the Grid Racing would not be successful without those of you willing to donate your precious time to make sure a course is set, aid stations are occupied, and safety is accounted for. For some, volunteering is an opportunity to see firsthand how much effort goes into directing a race and competing. This experience can provide the knowledge and confidence to enter a future event.
Volunteering is an incredibly fulfilling experience that can be both fun and rewarding. By helping racers achieve their goals on race day, you’ll be making a meaningful contribution to the community. All volunteers will receive a complimentary race day t-shirt, as well as the opportunity to contribute to in-race events. Meals and hotel rooms will be provided when needed, depending on the duration of the event. Additionally, volunteers will receive discounts towards future Off the Grid Racing events.
Join us by reaching out at and become part of this unforgettable experience!
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